SiliconDust HDHomeRun Extend 2-Tuner Streaming Media Player + Free Shipping
by LifeStyleTheme
Filed under Daily Deals, ELECTRONICS, FEATURED also has SiliconDust HDHomeRun Extend 2-Tuner Streaming Media Player (HDTC-2US) for $89.99.
HDHomeRun PLUS is a network-attached TV tuner, allowing you to stream free broadcast TV throughout your home.
- Converts video to H.264 AVC for more efficient streaming and better playback support on portable devices .
- Receive up to full 1080 video (where available).
- Expand the number of tuners with multiple Homerun devices.
- Watch, pause, and record TV on your PC using PVR software
- Compatibility With- DLNA/UPnP compatible hardware/software: Smart TVs , Blu-ray Players / Media Players, VLC, XBMC, Plex, Game Consoles, Windows Media Center (7/8). Myth TV. NextPVR. Android devices . iOS devices.